Help ! When my six year old gets mad he starts throwing things, and breaking them,also screaming and crying.?

2007-05-15 6:34 pm
we have tried talking with him, to calm him down,or have tried timeout.But it doesn't work ,what advice do u have ???

回答 (8)

2007-05-15 7:09 pm
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I would empty his room except for his bed. When this transpires take him to his room and let him have a hay day, alone. You will have to lock the door I am sure, but let him toss about and get mad. Once he is done and all is calm, go to him, hug and kiss him and get on with your day.

When your son is in the screaming and angry state you expain he can not focus, there is nothing to calming him down, talking to him, he can't hear you above his own screams, not to mention it give him attention. Let him have his fit, alone. He will let you know when he is done.

Anything he does break he pays for or fixes. If he can not do either, he will pick something acceptable to give up to you for payment. If he does not choose himself you choose, and make it fair. If he breaks the TV you take the PS2 for payment. If he breaks a window a PS2 game should pay for that. These are items he can not get back, they are gone, so sell them or give them to the needy.

As hard as it is for you, stay calm and do not react to him.

Good luck
2016-05-19 10:25 am
time to move the alarm clocks into the room where the father sleeps or move out of the home into a quieter one.
2007-05-15 8:32 pm
Teach him what he should do when he's mad. What would you find acceptable for him to do when he's mad and can't express himself to his satisfaction? Teach him to do that and praise him to the highest when he does. Just telling him he shouldn't throw things isn't helping because he still doesn't know what he SHOULD do. Screaming and crying are ok things for him to do...but as I taught my 4 year old, other people don't want to hear that. So, scream into a pillow, blanket or something else that muffles the sound, crying is only to be done if hurt otherwise they can go somewhere away from people and cry and can think of how to talk about the problem. You have to give children the tools to deal with their emotions otherwise they lose control because they don't know what to do. Good luck!
2007-05-15 6:56 pm
It's really hard to be a parent today isn't it? I have learned a few technique. I don't punish a kid right away or raise my voice back when they're emotional. ALWAYS let them know you're on their side say things that make them feel that you care about them and you're there to help, not there to punished. When my kid yell or scream, I would tell her, I'm worry that yelling may hurt your throat. Let him know there's nothing wrong with your ears, if he scream you can't hear properly. You can only help when he speak clearly to you. Be gently but firmed. If he throw stuff, I would say i'm worry about your arm may get soar tomorrow. Of course in the begining he may still continue, then put him in his room and tell him when you finished then come out and talk and you might be able to help him. Remember be firm and persistant. Believe me eventually he'll learn.
2007-05-15 6:49 pm
You just described my 6 year old son LOL.

We have tried talking, timeouts, taking privileges away, even spanking as a last resort when he goes after his 4 year old brother. Nothing worked. What we finally done was change diet, got rid of the T.V., and made sure we were VERY consistent with what type of discipline that each episode warranted. Ex. Screaming, a long winded talk about anything that did not interest him.
kicking, Corner on tiptoes for 5 Min's, breaking things, take favorite things away to "sell" them to replace what they broke. Going after younger siblings, spanking.

A good tip I learned from a friend. When in a public place and your child starts acting out, IGNORE THE OTHER PEOPLE WATCHING YOU, and start acting like them really loud or singing really loud, this tends to take their attention off what started things going in the first place. For me this does not work in the home because there is no-one around to embarrass him.
參考: Trial and error and friends.
2007-05-15 6:45 pm
show some disipline like tyake away his favorite things you know. if time out doesn't work put him in the corner and watch him. my brother used to make me stand in the corner with onr leg up and balange a book on my head and put your arms out. it worked.
2007-05-15 6:40 pm
Whats works for me is grabbing him by his hand.Taking him to whatever toy he threw,making him pick it up and puting it back where it belongs.If he does it again keep doing this over and over until he learns.
2007-05-15 6:37 pm
Change the diet - change the behavior........
Also, stop allowing him to watch TV violence!!!!!!!!!!

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