How to acheive good academic result in the university??

2007-05-16 7:42 am
How to acheive good academic result in the university??

What kinds of skill do we need??

How do u study??

回答 (2)

2007-05-16 7:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Attend your classes and try to understand what is going during class. I found it really helps. To prove, I got very good mark in the course I understand what is going on by just attend all the classes. I don't even has to study a lot before exams and tests. Save a lot of time for me to do sth else or prepare for other courses.

2. Do all your assignments

3. Prepare for classes beforehand, if you can.. well.. I don't do that actually, but if you do this, you will more understand what the prof is talking about

4. Do pastpaper. They really help, as it tells what kind of questions the prof will ask and what they are looking for, so you can kinda prepare for it beforehand.

5. Plan your time well and try to do your schoolwork ahead of time. No matter your assignments, your tests, exams.

However, all of above, pick something that you are very interested. If you are interested to what you learn, you will be more motivate to study and easier to get better result.
參考: Myself
2007-05-16 6:32 pm
The most important skill that you must know is self-studying.

As you need to find the reference book yourseft, search which part of the book is useful and understant your notes without the aids from the professor.

If you can do this and know how to do it, then you are going to be successful in university.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 00:43:32
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