Find the equation of the tangent to the circle x^2 + y^2 -4x+4y+6=0
at the point (3,-1) on the circle.
我想問除左3x+(-1)y+ 1/2 (-4)(x+3) +1/2 (4)(y-1)+6=0呢個之外
eq. of tangent set 成: y+1= m(x-3)
then 搵centre , radius ,再 put 入去
呢個方法for tangent to a circle at a point on the circle ok ma??
x+y-2=0 呢個用第一個方法同上面個 都計到 ,and is the ans
7x-y-22=0 呢個係上面計到 ,但ans 冇呢個
呢個點解要rej. ??? plz explain~
then, 可唔可以講解下係睇d咩而去rej. ??