hliary duff既個人資料

2007-05-16 5:05 am

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2007-05-17 3:32 am
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英文名﹕Hilary Duff
血型﹕ 型
身高﹕163 厘米

Hilary是個很聰明的女孩兒﹐她清楚自己的特點﹐知道自己擅長做什麼﹐不該做什麼﹐她的嗓音很甜美﹐有些像另一位美少女歌手Mandy Moore﹐親自演唱的兩首主創作品也很好的展示了她在唱歌方面的天賦﹐《Why Not》的歌詞簡單上口﹐而慢版的《What Dreams Are Made Of》﹐則是一首耐聽的好歌。由於當紅英國少女組合Atomic Kitten的《The Tide Is High (Get The Feeling)》以及Jump5翻唱的著名的70年代R&B名作《Shinging Star》的加入﹐為這張略顯平淡唱片增色不少。值得一提的是唱片第12首歌曲Girl In The Band是由Hilary的姐姐Haylie Duff所演唱﹐細細品來發現Haylie的聲音要比Hilary更出色﹗


希拉莉達夫(Hilary Duff)﹐10歲開始演戲﹐1999年以《The Soul Collector》贏得一座「年輕演員最佳女配角(Young Artist Awards)」獎。2001年迪士尼頻道的電視劇《Lizzie McGuire》﹐由希拉莉當女主角﹐開播以來深受美國年輕觀眾的歡迎﹐使希拉莉成了迪士尼的當家花旦﹐今年更拍成「羅馬假期」式義大利風情的電影版﹐輕鬆拿下4千200萬(1億6千800萬零吉)的票房成勣。 一部典型的好萊塢少女電影﹐青春期少女遭遇的尷尬﹐幼稚﹐挫折等被以一種輕鬆詼諧的方式表現出來﹐出生于1987年9月28日的女主角Hilary Duff目前已是全美最炙手可熱的童星﹐而在這部電影的原聲帶中﹐Hilary更是親自動筆寫下了兩首歌曲﹐並由自己演唱完成﹐與其說這是一張電影原聲不如說這是Hilary Duff的個人宣傳品。

就在大家認為希拉莉鴻運當頭﹑影視皆得意時﹐卻爆出她與東家迪士尼出現嫌隙。原來希拉莉的媽媽認為迪士尼虧待她女兒﹐拍《Lizzie McGuire》電視劇每集3萬5千美元(14萬零吉)﹐電影版只收100萬美元(400萬零吉)﹐可是她在拍另一部電影《Agent Cody Banks》時﹐卻可獲得超過400百萬美元(約1千600萬零吉)的片酬。最後是演變成雙方決裂不再續約的終局﹐迪士尼更考慮另找人接演《Lizzie McGuire》。

雖然與東家翻臉﹐希拉莉依舊有接不完的功作﹐她目前正在灌錄個人首張專輯﹐預計今年尾會面市。電影方面﹐她已接下華納電影公司的新片《A Cinderella Story》。

2007-05-16 5:18 am
Hilary Duff was born in Houston, Texas, the second child of Robert Erhard Duff, owner of a chain of convenience stores, and Susan Duff. After Hilary's mother encouraged her to take an acting class alongside her older sister, Haylie Katherine Duff, both girls won parts in various local theatre productions. At the ages of eight and six, respectively, the Duff sisters participated in the ballet The Nutcracker Suite with Columbus Ballet Met in San Antonio...

more of Hil's history: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilary_duff

Name: Hilary Erhard Duff
Nicknames: Hil, Juicy, Pickles
Birthday: September 28, 1987
Birth place: Houston, Texas, USA
Occupation: Actress, Singer, Designer
Age: 19
Current Residence: Toluca Lake, Los Angeles, California and Houston, Texas
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Grade: College Student (now studying online in Havord)
Height: 5'1"
Hair color: Brunette
Eye color: Hazel
Parents: Bob & Susan (her parents divoced last year)
Sibling: 1 older sister, Haylie
Best friends: Taylor Hoover and Haylie Duff
Role Model: Haylie
Pets: 2 dogs (Little Dog & Remmington) (but there r five dogs in her house)
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rabbit
Cars: Range Rover, Lexus

Her first crush was Timothy from her Houston, pre-school days.
She loves Krispy Kreme donuts and french fries.
Techno music gives her a headache.

Vocal Profile
* Voice type: Soubrette
* Highest note: C6 (in Fly)
* Lowest note: E4 (in Where Did I Go Right?)
* Vocal range: 1.5 octaves (E4–C6)

Her favorites:
Animal: Dogs
Subject: Math, History
Movies: The Notebook, Drop Dead Gorgeous
Move Actors: Adam Sandler, Ryan Gossling
Movie Actresses: Natalie Portman, Diane Lane
Movie Genre: Scary
Disney Movie: The Incredibles
TV Actor: Kiefer Sutherland
TV Actress: Amber Tamblyn
TV Genre: Comedy
Color: Blue, Hot Pink, Red, Yellow

More: http://www.hilarysource.net/hilary/favorites.php

2007-05-16 18:00:51 補充:
Her middle name is Erhard, because her grandmother is called Erhard
2007-05-16 5:16 am
英文名﹕Hilary Duff
身高﹕163 厘米
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