
2007-05-16 4:10 am
1.為甚麼婦女在中國體育方面起著非常重要的作用?(play a role)
2.1984年前中國曾派運動員參加奧運會嗎?(take part in)
6.學生們一個接一個地走出了教室.(one after another)

回答 (4)

2007-05-16 4:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Why do women play an important role of athelics among China?

2. Did China send any athelte to take part in Olympics before 1984?

3. Who can be admitted to take part in Olympics?

4. When did Beijing be chosen to host the Olympics 2008?

5. What is the spirit of Olympics?

6. Students leave the classroom one after another.
2007-05-16 4:17 am
1. Why the women has played a important role or functions in China Sports Areas?
2. In 1984, did China sent any people to take part in the Olympic Game?
3. Who admitted to take part in Olympic Game?
4. When did Beijing host to sponse the 2008 Olympic Game?
5. What is the spirit of the Olympic Game?
6. Students go out of the classroom one by one.
2007-05-16 4:17 am
1.為甚麼婦女在中國體育方面起著非常重要的作用?(play a role)
2.1984年前中國曾派運動員參加奧運會嗎?(take part in)
6.學生們一個接一個地走出了教室.(one after another)

1. why women playing the very vital role in the Chinese sports aspect? (play a role) 2.1984 years ago China once sent the athlete to attend the Olympic Games? (take part in)
3. who be allowed to attend the Olympic Games? when does the (admit)
4. Beijing is choose to conduct in 2008 the Olympic Games? (host)
5. what are the Olympic Games spirits? the (spirit)
6. students went out the classroom one after the other. (one after another)
2007-05-16 4:16 am
1. why women playing the very vital role (play a role) in the Chinese sports aspect?2.1984 years ago China once sent the athlete to attend (take part in)the Olympic Games?
3.who can(admit) be allowed to attend the Olympic Games? when does the
4. Beijing is choose to conduct (host) in 2008 the Olympic Games?
5. what are the Olympic Games spiritsthe (spirit) ?
6. students went out the classroom one after the other.

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