Chemistry 問題

2007-05-16 3:44 am
1.Can Argon separate from atmosphere?

2.In simple separation process of air, the steps are take out CO2>Separation of Argon, Notrogen, Oxygen. But how about other noble gases??they haven't take out

3. What is the Chinese of nitrogen boils off first during evaporation?

4.In fractional distillation, steam condense when touch the glass, But how about the steam don't touch the glass?

回答 (2)

2007-05-19 5:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
yes, we can get it by fractional distillation of liquid air
atmosphere only contain very small amount of these noble gases
and they will form gases in other places other than the places we get O2 and N2
also, these noble gases are useless
so we won't get it
the amount of this kind of steam is very very small
nearly zero
by the way
when they get higher in the fractionating column
they will still condense due to temperature drop
參考: me*
2007-05-21 1:03 am

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