
2007-05-16 2:10 am

回答 (4)

2007-05-16 2:57 am
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China shares has risen a lot. Shanghai index has risen more than 40% since beginning of the year. Shanghai B shares index rised 9% this Monday. If you read the finance news from others countries (eg. USA and Australia), they all said that it is a bubble waiting to burst. Whether it is a major correction or a crash is depends on how big the bubble is.
HSI has not risen as dramatic as the china shares. eg. The price of china life and china bank in Shanghai market are about 50% more than the ones in HK. That means even if HK has a bubble forming, the bubble is much more smaller than the one in china. But china bubble brust is waiting to happen, when the bubble burst, it will more or less affect HSI. So yes, I think there will be a not too big correction in HSI, and a major correction in china index soon.
PS. Jerry said that there would be a major correction in HSI in Mar, Jun and Dec this year, and he was right about the March one.
2007-05-16 3:49 am
財不入急門, 短炒賺錢要藝高人膽大再加運氣.
股市由2003年沙士升到依家, 你都無買股票,
証明你唔識投資, 到依家股市處於歷史新高,
正是位高勢危, 風險愈來愈高之時你先至新手入市,
接火棒機會甚大, 如果你依家真係好想買股票,
切記只買大藍籌股或大型國企股, 參考多D財經分析,
買D股票投資新手入門嘅參考書詳細研究, 認真地學習,
細細注買入優質好股, 累積實戰經驗, 最重要都係嚴守止蝕 !
祝你好運 !
2007-05-16 2:53 am
2007-05-16 2:17 am
每月賺取10%至20% 係好多, 但係唔係冇可能. 不過如果錢係咁易搵既, 我都唔洗返工了..

股票都有好大風險, 穩定既股票又那可能有10%上落?? 如果你要有穩定既, 恆指成份估可以好d, 但係要每月賺取10%至20% 既話, 要做功課搵架..


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