
2007-05-16 12:41 am
我想找英文補習老師(要是在外國多年, 或在外國回流的chinese), 因希望能有流利的英文, 還可以用中文講解, 有助明白, (最好有外籍老師但又懂得中文, 居港多年的), 謝謝 ^_^

回答 (8)

2007-09-15 3:52 pm
Actually i think i'm the kind of tutor you're looking for right now
if you're interested, please contact me as soon as possible
my phone number is 63422020 or e-mail: [email protected]
2007-05-23 7:14 am
l取得(T.E.F.L. London 1988)教學執照
l輔修德語, 法語
成人組別 (12歲或以上) –
1人學習 - 每小時$250
2人或以上學習 - 每人每小時另加$150
小童組別 (11歲或以下)
1至2人學習 - 每小時$250
3人或以上 – 每人每小時另加$100
l提供廣告, 雜誌等校對(Proof reading)服務 – 價錢面議
詢問電話 :
- 英語 (Mr. Roger-主席老師) – 9840 5543 / Email : [email protected]
- 粵語查詢 (楊生) – 9642 0684
2007-05-18 1:27 pm
hi, this is kelly. are still look for a tutor? i have been studying in US for 3 years and am graduating at BYU next month majoring in business management and a minor in english as an international language. i’ve also been a private english tutor for 3 years when I was in high school. anyway, email me at [email protected] if you would like to know more about me. thanks! ^^
參考: kelly
2007-05-16 11:36 pm
please check www.ESL99.com

to find ESL teachers or tutors
參考: me & www.ESL99.com
2007-05-16 8:39 am
i just came from Canada and I am studying in University of Toronto.
I know chinese n hv completed the HKCEE.
contact: [email protected]
2007-05-16 2:31 am
me.please call 66914533
2007-05-16 12:47 am
參考: web

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