
2007-05-15 11:22 pm
不知為何致電到有線電視取消服務電話(1832898)打了兩天都沒有人員接聽,有沒有傳真,可以用書面通知他們終止服務,但致電全部都是電話錄音,總是得不到服務員對話,怎麼辦??他們之前又叫我要 一個多月前取消,在上星期打到電話,那位小姐又說不用太早致電取消,現在又打極都打不到有人接聽?叫我用什麼方法呢?

回答 (1)

2007-05-15 11:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
pls try to call 1832832 to stop the service. I just stopped my i-cable service by calling their customer service & asked them mail the stop service form to me.(Don't give up, call them until someone pick your call!!!) Once I rec'd it, sign on the form & fax back to them. You need to call them 2 days after to confirm their receipt of your cancellation form. Then, 2 or 3 more days later, you will receive a mail to confirm your cancellation. The mail will state when will be the last day of service & tell you where you should return those stuffs.

Also, they request 1 full month advance notice from the cut-off date. Which means today is May 15, assume your cut-off date is May 29. Then, the last date of service is Jun 29. You have to return your cancellation form to them & confirm their receipt before May 29, otherewise, you have to pay 1 more month to them.
參考: my experience

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