
2007-05-15 10:33 pm
我做野做左幾年,但係以前唔學好d英文,依家先後悔。係公司一收到鬼佬電話我就震哂,由於我基楚實在太差了。所以我想搵人補補習先,最好先修到去大約有中五程度先。 但係要由幾多年級開始教起我都唔知。可能我程度只有小三或者小六都話唔定。請問有無高手可以教路呢?
我主要想學 標準的聽、講和文法。

1) 懂得英語國際音標。能教我用音標拼音。
2) 能操流利英語。
3) 中五會考英文科有A或B
4) 性格嚴勵,不需客氣,沒交功課時可以放膽怒罵我。

地點: 葵芳
每小時:110元 由地鐵站到我那邊雖轉VAN仔. 4.2元,可津貼。

有意者請留言或寄EMAIL給我. THANKS!
email: [email protected]

回答 (3)

2007-05-16 8:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
除左葵芳仲可唔可以係第2 d 地方?
因為 too far from me =.=

2007-05-16 00:58:16 補充:
email 比我傾丫[email protected]
2007-05-18 1:36 pm
hi, this is kelly. are still look for a tutor? i have been studying in US for 3 years and am graduating at BYU next month majoring in business management and a minor in english as an international language. i’ve also been a private english tutor for 3 years when I was in high school. anyway, email me at [email protected] if you would like to know more about me. thanks! ^^
參考: kelly
2007-05-16 2:49 am

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