sofamark credit note

2007-05-15 7:14 pm
I bought a sofa from sofamark few week ago. It costed me $4500. For certain reason, I need to cancel my order. The staff in sofamark released a credit note worthed $4500 for me. I tried to get rid of the credit note like selling it in EBAY for $4000. But, I still cannot sell it out.

I dont wanna lose $4500. What can I DO?? Help....

回答 (2)

2007-05-23 5:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Would you like to sell it at a more discounted price?
I can offer at 3K.
If that's an unacceptable price, I guess you can try other bidding forum, like Y! Auction and Esd- Wedding Forum.
Good Luck
2007-05-15 8:43 pm
u should buy the other sofa in sofamark before the expiry date of credit note.

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