
2007-05-15 6:54 pm
繼續數條公開大學英文問題, 句中可能有文法錯誤或違背其用法原則, 請多多指教

1. Mandy is competent and a fast clerical officer

2. The latest catelogue is enclosed for your reference.

3. Please be advised that you should sign the form before 1 March.

回答 (2)

2007-05-15 8:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
第一條,competent和fast都是來形容mandy是一個怎樣的clerical officer,所以要寫成:
Mandy is a competent and fast clerical officer
The latest catelogue enclosed is for your reference.
2007-05-16 1:38 am
Mandy is a competent and fast clerical officer

The latest catelogue enclosed is for your reference.

Please be advised that you should sign the form by 1 March.

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