
2007-05-15 4:00 pm
1) 教中文科的教師
2) 這個計劃尚在起步階段
3) 我不願再活下去

回答 (10)

2007-05-15 5:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. The teacher who teaches chinese language

2. This project is still very preliminary
OR This project is still at a preliminary stage

3. I don't want to live any longer
參考: myself, I live in US
2007-05-16 12:12 am
2007-05-15 10:30 pm
1) teaches the teacher which hits the liberal arts 2) this plan still at starts the stage 3) I am not willing to live again
2007-05-15 8:16 pm
1. The chinese teacher/instructor
2. This plan is in the primarily stage
3. I don't want to live anymore/ any longer
2007-05-15 7:08 pm
1) 教中文科的教師
Chinese subject lecturer.

2) 這個計劃尚在起步階段
This project is now at its starting point.

3) 我不願再活下去
I dont want to live any more.
參考: SELF
2007-05-15 6:56 pm
1) 教中文科的教師
The teacher who teaches Chinese subjects .
(language, department 用詞都不合適).
Or simply, "the Chinese teacher"

2) 這個計劃尚在起步階段
This plan/project is still in the initial stage.
This paln/project is still in the preliminary stage.

3) 我不願再活下去
I don't want to live anymore. (這句OK)

2007-05-15 10:58:20 補充:
3) 我不願再活下去 I don't want to live on anymore. (這句加on字較傳神)

2007-05-20 06:00:41 補充:
I don't want to live on any more.I don't want to live on any longer.2句冇大分別,都是不願再活下去

2007-05-20 06:03:48 補充:
一網友說 I am not willing to live again . 問題大了。除非主人翁已死過一次,現在又不想活。

2007-05-20 06:07:35 補充:
I am unwilling to live on again . 有丁點小問題。口語氣氛不足。是寫作式英文。

2007-05-20 06:09:49 補充:
I don't want to be alive. 原本是水準之作。可惜小了再活的味道。

2007-05-20 06:15:45 補充:
I am unwilling to live on again . 漏評了和另一網友 I am not willing to live again 相同(已死過一次的問題)性質。

2007-05-20 06:18:23 補充:
Let me die!亦是冇咗再活的味道,直譯成了『讓我死吧!』

2007-05-20 06:24:15 補充:

2007-06-03 22:19:32 補充:
if you really want to improve your English, see my answer and not just treat this as a game.
參考: my 40 years experience with foreigners
2007-05-15 5:40 pm
1) Teacher who teachs Chinese subject
2) The project is still at the beginning
3) I don't want to live longer
2007-05-15 5:14 pm
1) 教中文科的教師
The teacher who teaches Chinese language.
Or simply, "the Chinese teacher"

2) 這個計劃尚在起步階段
This plan is still in the initial stage.

3) 我不願再活下去
I don't want to live anymore.

2007-05-15 09:16:51 補充:
2) 這個計劃尚在起步階段This plan/project is still in the initial stage. preliminary is OK too.
參考: Myself
2007-05-15 4:26 pm
Teach the teacher of the Chinese department
This plan is still during the course of starting
I am unwilling to live on again
參考: Dr eye
2007-05-15 4:26 pm
1) Teacher who teachs Chinese subject
2) The project is still at the beginning
3) I don't want to be alive.

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