
2007-05-15 1:16 pm
同d女仔好close, 企埋少少, 我都會好開心
而家大個左, 可能慣左, 冇乜心跳, 但仍然有少少興奮

我d親戚好多都係男性, 表哥表弟一堆..
屋企除左我老豆之外, 所有電器既野都係我一手包辦

但係唔長久, 因為我根本唔識做女朋友...


but我冇自信, coz我唔係對男仔完全冇feel...
所以到而家, 我仍然係唔男唔女唔TB
而且突然轉哂look, 親朋戚友會覺得好奇怪
我唔細喇, 就20歲喇

我係咪應該要搞清楚, 我係男定女?

p.s.留msn同我傾, 10分

回答 (6)

2007-05-15 1:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First by your saying "因為我根本唔識做女朋友" I believe you are a girl.
You had experience of having a boyfriend, but u said you 唔識做女朋友. May I ask
was that your first boyfriend(first relationship)? If it was, maybe that was the first time, so u dont know how, thats normal. If not, maybe that boyfriend has high expectation, always pick on you, then make you think you dont know how to be a boyfriend

Actually, I dont live in HK, I live in US.
In US is more open, so I have some Gay and Lesbian friends too in my friends group.
Gay friends ~ mostly models.
Lesbian friends ~ mostly only daughter in rich family.

O... ya...Here is my msn "[email protected]" you can add me if you want.

So by your saying 鍾意打機...又鍾意睇漫畫(not少女), 屋企除左老豆之外, 所有電器既野都一手包辦, I'm guessing you are older daughter in the family, and you personality is pretty independent. Or your parents depend on you a lot so you have been helping the family a lot, so even 電器既野. Even tho, 鍾意打機...又鍾意睇漫畫(not少女), take care of 電器既野 sounds like "guys things", but it doesn't mean you are lesiban. And when u say you are close with girls, you feel 有少少興奮, i think its bcos you always wanna be around with friends, especially good friends, close friends. You guys know each other well, and same habits, just love to be around each other, that should be the feeling.

And when you said you 識揀男仔衫, especially for your brother, i believe you are straight(girl). Why?
Let me give u an example.
When i go to hair salon, mostly hair dressers are guys, but if there are girls, i prefer girl to cuts my hair. (and those girls are straight) Because they like guys, even tho they have boyfriend, they still have a "dream guy" in their mind, you know? What kind of hair style, their clothes, the way they looking, they way they smile, or maybe if the guy sings good, thats more attractive to the girl too. So they know how to make guys look handsome/attactive. If they are lesbian, they wouldnt care.
Just like the other way around ~ guys hair dressers cut girls hair nice, bcos they like girls, so they know how to cut it and make them look pretty, and so, and so.

And you said you are 20 years old, but u look like a kid. Actually thats the good thing. But I understand some of the people, dont like it that way. They want to look older (more mature). But this also doesn't mean you are a lesbian.
And you change your look, 親朋戚友會覺得好奇怪, its just they dont get used to it.

Hope it helps. You can add me anytime. Take care
參考: Life Experience
2007-05-16 6:08 am
係女,你完全唔識女仔既野好正常啫,因為你周圍表哥表弟一堆, 好少接觸女仔既野!
2007-05-16 1:41 am
MSN:[email protected]
參考: me
2007-05-15 7:24 pm
我都覺得你只係獨立一d, 而且因為係大姐姐, 所以好多時都要負責家庭中的好多野

我都有好多女仔朋友係中性打扮, 但, 唔係中性打扮就等於係TB
另外就係, 女仔當然識揀男仔衫啦, 因為女仔有自己一套的審美眼光
我男朋友d衫都係我幫佢揀的, 唔通因為咁, 我就係識合做男仔多d?!

而且, 同女仔相處會心跳加速同開心, 可能係因為你身邊個個都係男仔, 你唔係太習慣同女性相處o者~~~

我之前都唔識做人女朋友, 其實, 做番自己未得囉, 無人話女仔一定要識打扮, 一定要識make up, 一定要識煮飯等等~~

當然, 如果你真係對自己的性取向有懷疑, 我建議你去找d專家幫手, 好似社工等等, 佢地會找人幫你做評估, 我覺得咁會好d

因為, 既然你現在問得呢d問題, 証明你都覺得有需要解決, 呢個係一個好的態度同方向


但, 我相信你是女的!!!!
參考: 自己
2007-05-15 5:16 pm

我的msm:[email protected]
參考: 自己
2007-05-15 5:04 pm

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