(10點!!) 每月最多可收幾錢租金, 而每年不用交任何稅用給政府

2007-05-15 1:01 pm

1. 請問每月最多可收幾錢租金才每年不用交任何稅用給政府呢?

2. 如不用交稅,是否代表不用報稅呢?


回答 (2)

2007-05-16 6:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you are single and no salaries income but rental income, you are not subject to the salaries tax but property tax.

1. You can deduce the government rates that you paid.
2. You can deduce 20% statutory deduction (Total rental income less governement rates x 20%)

3. Property tax (16% of net assessable value)
2007-05-15 7:36 pm
如無收入, 但你係有樓收租.都計入物業稅: 全年租金收入 扣減2% statutory deduction, 業主比左的rate, 如果仲要供樓, 可以扣減mortage loan interest, but limited to Net Assessable Value.(即係你收入租金減差餉,同2% expense 之後;mortage loan interest 要係你elect personal assessment 才可扣)

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