
2007-05-15 9:52 am
請問香港有沒有韓語字典機買? 我想買nurian呢個牌子, 因為我見佢功能多, 又話係最好既韓語字典機, 希望可以幫幫忙, 萬二分感謝!

回答 (5)

2007-05-18 12:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
nurian is good, though l am not using this brand. But my friends using it all said it's quite good. Therefore when my e-dict is out of order, l will buy a new one of this brand.

nurian is a Korean brand and cannot be found in HK. The web shops that sell nurian are in Korea and you need to have a Korean residential ID to get in. My friends in HK bought the e-dict in Korea because there are many models and brands for them to choose and there are the most updated version for electronic dictionary.

This is one Korean webpage where you can see some models and prices of nurian :
e-dict = 전자사전
nurian = 누리안

Check the model you like and the price. Set the budget and ask your friend who go to Korea to buy it for you. Dont go to YongSan Station (용산 龍山) as you dont know which shop is good and some salemen cheated foreigners. e.g. after you bought a e-dict of lower price, you found that you have to pay for more in order to get the memory card, the adaptor etc. So, be careful!

Go to E-Mart. Most areas has this chain shop. Price a little bit higher (~10% higher) but it's lower than department stores. This might be a better choice for foreigers.
2007-06-07 5:08 am
龍山好似好雜喎... 江邊TechnoMart有無得賣?
2007-05-29 9:50 pm
I am using the nurian, it is very good! and useful, but it is not available in HK, might be you can ask 尋韓者 to help, coz nurian online shopping just available for korean! u need to subscribe your Korean ID
2007-05-18 6:27 am
2007-05-15 11:21 am

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