
2007-05-15 8:01 am
以下一句英文句子是否有文法錯誤或違背其用法原則, 是公開大學一習作題, 請多多指教

We cannot deliver the goods to you until Friday.

回答 (4)

2007-05-15 9:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
deliver the goods 的中文解釋是: 履行諾言;不負眾,

We cannot deliver the goods to you until Friday. - 此句意思是: 我們直到星期五都不能對你履行諾言

相反, 如果你想說: 我們直到星期五都不可以送貨給你. 請不要在在goods 之前加上 the, 此句子轉為

We can not deliver goods to you until Friday.
參考: Dr. eye dictionary
2007-05-15 5:12 pm
It is grammatically good but I will say in that way :

We are unable to deliver goods to you until Friday
2007-05-15 8:55 am
The sentence is perfectly fine with proper grammar and sentance structure.
2007-05-15 8:13 am
It's perfectly fine, no problem with it. Of course, there are other ways to say it but there is absolutely no reason to have to operate on it.

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