As Parents What do you look for in a good Daycare or Kindergarden Program?

2007-05-14 11:06 pm
I'm a parent myself as well as a college student gettin my degree in Education. I want to start a daycare and a Preschool and Kindergarden program and I wanted to know what parents look for in a daycare of program and what makes them trust in that program? It would be really appreciate a answer on this, to help me know what parents want!

回答 (3)

2007-05-14 11:25 pm
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Low child to teacher ratio. Welcoming environment, I like being able to stop by anytime throughout the day. Good communication between teacher and parents, daily reports. Lesson plans and menus. I like to know what my children are doing throughout the day.
2007-05-14 11:40 pm
As a parent, safety is above everything.
1.) Is the facility a safe place for my child?
2.) Number of liscensed care giver / teacher, what's their ratio to the child.
3.) Focus of the school. Some parents would like to choose a school or day care that focus on academics, while some like well rounded, doing a little bit on everything. (Personally, I choose the ones that are more focus on academics.)
4.) Well organized, like a parent say I want to know what they do each day.
5.) Communication and open visits yes, I also like to drop by at anytime I like to see how's my kid doing.
2007-05-14 11:37 pm
First off I think when you go check out a day care alot of moms just have this motherly instinct about it. But a lot of websites have a day care check list with some tips on it here are a few but you might try looking one up online!

the staff interact with your child
open visits
you hear music
you hear children playing and laughing
posted certification
posted fire escape routes
discipline rules

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