What do you think is a good age to have a baby?

2007-05-14 10:08 pm
Im 17 and i want a baby so bad...........what do you guys think the perfect age to have a baby is? And for the adults if i was your daughter and i came home pregnant what would you do and act and say?

回答 (10)

2007-05-14 10:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you are too young go to college get a good job and get into a stable relationship then start thinking about having kids, they are a big responsibility and at your age i dont think you know that.

I think about 25 is a good age to have kids.
參考: 37 weeks preg and rn in ob/gyn office
2007-05-15 5:30 am
My opinion is .. If you can afford it.. and you emotionally prepared to be a mother.. I think a GREAT age to be a mother is 20 years old. You want to have babies at that age, in my opinion, because as the child ages, and grows up.. you are still young enough to enjoy life as they approach the late teen years. You are still young enough.. at heart.. to have fun with them and you can enjoy life with them because you are still physically ok.. This is just my opinion. I had my first child at 21. I have NO REGRETS what-so- ever. I was married tho. ( divorced from him NOW tho,,had 2 boys with him)
If you were my daughter.. ( i have a 19 year old daughter) I would HAVE to accept it. I would help you any possible way I could. Our relationship would only get better (my daughter and I are best friends) I would explain to you ALL that I expected from you. We would make it work@@@
2007-05-15 5:29 am
Well, I'm in the same situation. I'm 20 and my fiance and I are considering having a child. The only thing holding me back is my schooling. I've completed 2 years of my degree and have 2 more left. We are financially stable and have a house of our own.
Now, I'm assuming that you still live with your parents, and I hope you have a steady boyfriend. If you do, then you both need to talk about it. If he's not ready, then you need to respect his decision and maybe consider your own. If you dont, then please dont sleep with some random guy just for you to have a baby. That's not fair to him, besides, you should love the person who is the father of your child.

As for the parent thing... it's not going to be easy telling your mom that you're having a baby. She'll cry, and tell you that shes disappointed. I have a friend who has just had a baby and she said that it took her family a couple months to get used to it. They will eventually come around, but don't expect her to be overwhelmed with joy. Once the baby is born, they'll love it more than anything!
Good luck with your decision, but maybe just think about it a little more. Graduate from high school first and find prince charming.
2007-05-15 5:25 am
Get a puppy... you're not even done with high school!
2007-05-15 5:25 am
You are way too young hun! From the sounds of this it sounds like you are already pregnant. I hope this is not the case. I was 22 when I got pregnant and 23 when he was born. I thought I was ready and was not! I did all ALONE!!! My boyfriend left me and I was only making 7.50 and hour. I had to pay 100.00 a week for a baby sitter and had no time to myself. I am 28 now and just had a little girl. Looking back i would not change a thing, but you need to wait.
If i was your mom I would be disappointed, hurt, sad, and mad! Not sure what I would do?
2007-05-15 5:25 am
If you were my daughter and came home pregnant, we would have a long discussion. There's a serious decision to be made. Life changes with a baby. The baby brings joy along with a change in life. We would need to figure out if having the baby at the young age of 17 is the right decision. It won't be easy to make a decision.
I would suggest to wait until your at least 23 and save your money.
2007-05-15 5:10 pm
I was eighteen when i had my first, and two of my daughters were seventeen when they had theirs.Its great to have your kids young as long as you have a husband to support you all, enough money, dont believe in divorce, don't expect your parents to babysit, to lend you money, pay your bills ect, dont expect to go to too many more parties, and are willing to put your child first, for the next eighteen years regardless of what parties you're invited to, then i say go for it. If you're willing to make the sacrifices you'll make a great parent. There will be parents you know who have young kids and still party on ect but would you want to be their kid? Children would rather go to bed than a party, and not be mollested by mum or dads pissed friends when they get there. If you choose to have a child you must also choose to bring them up in the right enviroment, otherwise it would be selfish and irresponsible of you to have them.
2007-05-15 6:50 am
I think it is best to wait until you have completed college and are ready to take on the responsibilities of having another life dependent on you. I'm sure there are lots of wonderful teenage mothers out there who manage to make it, but from experience, things are alot easier when you don't have to worry constantly about getting the bills paid.
2007-05-15 5:30 am
You are too young, period. No one is truly ready no matter how much research and studying about taking care of a child they may have done. My wife and I were both out of college, married for almost 3 years and both 26 when our daughter was born, and we were not ready. I remember looking at my wife after a month of no sleep and saying "what in the heck did we get ourselves into!" Babies are a LOT of work. You may think you want a baby, but you don't. It would not be fair to you OR the baby to try to have one now. Think about your future. There is plenty of time for babies later on. Go to college, live your teen years out, they are some of the best times of your life. After college get a good job and meet someone who you can love and will love you. THEN it's time to have a baby.

I know the old saying that "baby's are never bad news." That is true, and it is never the baby's fault for coming into the world. Ask yourself, are you completely ready to take care of a baby. Are you ready for all the things that a baby comes with, like diapers, getting up 3 or 4 times in a night, sometimes no sleep. Constant attention. The answer is no. Right now you need to take care of you first. Parenting is a lifetime responsibility, not only the next 18 years as some have said. Are you truly ready for that?

If you were my daughter I would try to make the best of a bad situation. I don't believe in abortion, so that would be out. We would figure it out, but it would be after I calmed down, because I would be furious. I would lay some ground rules down since you would obviously be living in my house, and you would have to abide by them, no questions asked. We would help out in any way necessary, but make no mistake about it you would be taking care of the baby. No going out with friends every weekend, no parties, no dating. College would be somewhere local so you could be home for your child. It's not cruelty, it's called parenting. Sometimes you need to exact a little "tough love."
參考: Pround parent of 2.
2007-05-15 5:28 am
It really depends on you situations and circumstances. If you're only talking about physically I would say after 18 and the younger the better because you need to be physically strong to keep up with the kid and all the work that follows. However, you also need to be emotionally and financially prepare as well.

As far as your situation, I don't think it's a good reason to have a baby only because "you want it so bad". First of all, you have to prepare to be responsible for him or her at least for the next 18 years(for me is a life time), it's not an item that you shop today and the next day you went back for a return or refund. Sorry a kid is no return no refund.

Secondly is the education, you need to have the knowledge to bring him/her up, believe me kids are so smart today you got to have the knowledge to bring them up, otherwise very soon you'll find them out of your control. As a mother you need to be a nurse, a teacher, a babysitter and superstar in their eyes to gain their respect.

Thirdly, you also have to be financially prepare, please do a little research how much it cost for day care, food, clothings, health insurance and college tuition, adding all those things up, and if you think you're ready, then go for it. Good Luck.

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