Should i make my son wear diapers to bed?

2007-05-14 5:08 pm
i have 6 year old twins tom and ben ,ben wears pull up diapers to bed because he wets and i also a 2 year old who wears baby style disposable diapers all the time.
tom teases ben all the time about having to wear diapers, should i punish tom by making him wear diapers too? if so should he wear pull up style like his brother or baby style disposables llike his younger brother? and how long should i punish him for?

(baby style = must be changed by someone else)

回答 (13)

2007-05-14 6:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I don't really agree you should punish Tom. The whole concept is not correct, it give people a feeling that wearing diaper when you're 6-year-old is wrong. Actually each child is different, some is potty trained as early as 3 years old, some are later. You should let Tom know teasing his brother is not a very nice thing to do, instead he should help his brother. My daughter had no problem during the day time but occationally she used to wet the bed during the night time. So it a very normal thing a kid to wet his / her bed. I am a late sleeper usually sleep around 11:00pm or 12:00am, so I used to carry her to the bathroom before I go to bed and eventually she got the idea that she'll wake up in the middle of the night and go to bathroom. I hope this will help you.
2007-05-14 5:15 pm
well my son just turned 3... and well while he was still 2 years old he would wear a diaper to bed... because other wise he would pee the bed... well... that wasnt working!... he sleeps on his tummy... and the pee comes out the top of his diaper and all over the bed! and his shirt...
so what i did was start waking him up in the night and telling him to go pee in the toilet...
You have to help your kids or else they will never learn!..
i honestly think that 6 yrs is way too old... but i aint going to judge that... anyways... you shouldnt punish the other child by making him wear diapers to bed... just explain to him that everyone is different and progresses at different times...
good luck!..
參考: 25 weeks preggo my lil man is 3
2007-05-14 8:21 pm
First thing you need to do is talk with Tom and let him know that his behavior is not appropriate. Each time he teases his brother he need to be punished (by means such as taking away a privilage, time out, ect.) do not punish him by embarrassing him it will only have negative consequenses in the long run. Ultimately you need to find out why Ben is having issues with bed wetting at 6 years old. He is by no means the only 6 year old that has this problem but you need to get him to a doctor and find out there is a medical reason for it (it may be easily treated) or if he is just a heavy sleeper and the urge to use the restroom does not wake him. You should not put pull ups on Ben at night time, this may seem like an inconvenience to you but it will help him more. Avoid sweets before bed since they contribute to needing to urinate more frequently, let him have a small drink of water about 30 min to an hour before bedtime and insist that he use the restroom just before bed. Finally set your alarm for about half way through the night and wake him and insist that he use the restroom. This will prevent most accidents and help him train his body to wake up when he needs to use the restroom if it is just a deep sleeping issue.
2007-05-14 7:16 pm
I wouldn't punish your child by making him wear diapers or pull ups but he should be told not to make fun of his brother or there will be consequences...
2007-05-14 5:15 pm
ok why dont you just talk to tom and tell him that it hurts his brothers feelings when he makes fun of him for wetting the bed, explain that it is not his fault that his (bens) bladder just has not developed as much as his(toms). i dont think making tom wear diapers as a punishment would do anything besides make ben feel even worse.
2007-05-14 5:14 pm
You can't punish your other child by making him wear a pullup like his sibling. All you can do is talk with your child. All kids are going to go through some teasing and you just have to be patient and calm when addressing them and explain that it is not your child's fault he wets the bed. It will get easier but you have to have patience and understanding.
參考: mother of five
2007-05-14 5:16 pm
ok first of all making your son wear diapers is a bit harsh... hes 6, therefore hes gonna tease his brother and thats that... second of all that is indecent. why in the world would you force your son to resort back to infancy at 6 years old? that would mess him up. its not tom's fault that ben wets the bed therefore i think punishing him like that is outrageous! what you really need to do is find out why ben is still wetting the bed because at 6 years old thats not normal... he needs to see a doctor.
參考: Being a mother.
2007-05-14 9:10 pm
Stop ALL liquids 2-3 hours before bed time! Make sure he empties his bladder before going to bed - then, over some time, you should be able to stop putting him in diapers.
2007-05-14 5:18 pm
Children develop differently. I think that this should be explained to both children. You shouldn't demean the child by forcing him to wear the diaper. You will only cause other behaviors. I think that finding a book pertaining to the issue here is a starting point. Then take away privileges, i.e. TV, play time, special treats, etc. But you definitely need to make sure Ben knows that it is normal for him to need assistance at night.
2016-05-18 11:01 am
You can put a thicker blanket under his bottom which of course has to be washed but its harder to change the whole bed...LOL My son use to wet the bed often and he also refused pull ups mainly because his younger sister by 2 1/2 had no pull ups or diapers and he knows he is older. They are just 16mos apart. He is soon to be 6 and he actually just recently started staying dry. Now have you tried cutting off drinks or even waking to try and take him potty at night??

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