
2007-05-15 7:32 am
我最近搵緊地方搬, 睇過一個城市花園望海兩房單位, 實用率又高又有靘境, 不過下午睇樓時睇得出西斜幾嚴重. 我未住過西斜樓, 想問有經驗或熟城市花園人士, 西斜係咪真係好難頂? 有冇辦法應付? 定係應可免則免? thank you!

回答 (3)

2007-05-15 7:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
It really is very hot unless you have air condition. Even if you have air conditioning, it better be a more powerful type (but keep in mind that the price of the electricity bill will go up). Depending on which floor you are on, if you are on lower floor and you are lucky enough to have the building nearby to block most of the direct sunlight. If your living room is facing west, that's not nearly as bad as if you master bedroom is facing west. If you have carpet in your bedroom, that's worse. It will absorb all the heat in the afternoon and will slowly release it in the evening just when you come home from work. If you have no choice, you may want to install some thicker drapes to block off the sun so that your bedsheet and carpet won't get much direct sunlight.

Best of luck.
2007-05-17 11:46 pm
有!!! 不人之前住過嘉多利豪園望嘉多利山, 個景真係好得, 但係有時晏晝入去真係坐定定都會著火!!! 真係好慘.... 後來要出埋遮光布先勉強可以好 D.... 所以住左無耐就賣左, 好彩賺倒錢....
2007-05-15 7:45 am
對, 的確好難頂, 如果你在炎夏只是長開冷氣的話,便可以,不過電費都幾"金". 我家有一間房正好是西斜,好像一個焗爐....如果你不是很怕熱,都免強可以坐一下, 睡覺就難些, 一定要開冷氣才睡得好.
參考: 自己經驗

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