
2007-05-15 6:58 am
個題目係: "Imagine you have just come back from an overseas holiday trip. You

enjoyed it so much that you have decided to share your travel experiences

with others on the Internet. Write an oline travel diary of between 200 - 250

words describing some highlights of your trip"

如果我係話去左日本,,內容應該要有d咩呢,,因為我comp 成日好低分,,所以想請教下大家應該點作

回答 (3)

2007-05-15 7:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Paragraph 1: When and why did you visit Japan?
How did you feel about the trip? (e.g. It was fanastic! /This may be one of my memorable trip in my life. etc.)

Paragraph 2: What the famous places did you visit? What have you done there?
(shopped at Ginza/watched sumo wrestling with Dad/saw a fabulous show at Hello Kittyland/ate delicious Japanese food like Udon noodles, mochi, sushi, sashimi, tempura, yakitori etc./ visited Ueno Part to look at the cherry blossom and took beautiful photos/ Took photos with Japanese women wearing kimonos...........)

Paragraph 3 : What was the most enjoyable place or thing you had visited or done?
(Among all, I felt most excited in visiting the Tokyo Disneyland. It had been my dream which finally came true. I went on rides and watched parades. It was marvellous.)

Paragraph 4 : Summarize your feeling.
(Though I have spent a lot of money on the trip, and that I cannot afford to buy many souvenirs in Japan because things there are very expensive, I had a wonderful time there.)
2007-05-15 7:36 am
先寫反個題目做開端, 再加反話不如等我講下呢幾日我去韶邊幾個地方玩啦
for example: 俾下幾個attractions既名

好似話平時電視見就見得多, 今次真係去到親身見到, 真係大開眼界
有咩所見所聞, 同埋今次個trip有咩得著咁

the last paragraph 可以寫
因為呢個trip太好玩, 太令我印象深刻, 所以我好想記低佢同人分享下

夠晒寫300字有凸, 始終唔能夠講得咁詳細
因為講到底功課係你既, 誚咁多就變左係我作架啦
俾信心自己啦, 你得既~
有唔明, 唔識再問啦
2007-05-15 7:03 am
write down your main points

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