英文字 .. 話人因為衰而出名

2007-05-15 6:09 am
我想問有 1 個英文係 en 字開頭 ..
係形容人因為 1 d 壞事/衰野而出名

回答 (4)

2007-05-15 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
係咪 infamous ?
yahoo 字典解釋:
1. 聲名狼藉的,臭名昭著的;罪大惡極的
The infamous traitor was sentenced to death.
2. 無恥的,不名譽的
I was shocked by her infamous behavior.

notorious 亦得
2007-05-15 8:44 pm
infamous 或 notorious,但后者較佳。
參考: myself
2007-05-15 2:19 pm
In US, we use "well-known" this word.
Like: he is well-known on cheating.
2007-05-15 7:05 am
notorious (惡名昭彰的,聲名狼藉的)
- The town is notorious for its casinos. (這個城市因其眾多的賭場而遠近皆知。)

- The town is infamous for its casinos. (這個城市因其眾多的賭場而遠近皆知。)

兩個字用法都一樣 ^^
參考: me / yahoo 字典

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