2007-05-15 5:08 am
Hi.... 我以家中5.....我唔知到要讀咩課in college or 大學......


and a few years later get 5萬元+收入

我的夢是可以在 25years old drive 跑車...
(fairlady, mazda rx8....)一手or二手car is no problem

和enough money to buy a house later on....

不一定要在hong kong......

回答 (1)

2007-05-15 8:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you want to get a job with starting salary over 20k per month, you can only study medicine or be a top finance student to get a job in a major international investment bank. Study medicine will take 5 years and by then you will be at least 24 years old. To buy yourself a fairlady should not be a problem, if you can get into medical school.
Investment bank job may have a starting salary over $50k but you have to be really top and smart. Any other way.

If you want to buy a "house" in Hong Kong, it will cost you at least $30million for a house. But you need to work to to get it and looks lik you will need to improve your English in order to get into any of the top professional job.

Good luck!

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