
2007-05-15 4:44 am
At the end of Eldest, the Varden still favor Nasuada in terms of leadership, but Paolini has hinted that in book 3 this might change.
Paolini has said that it is possible that Eragon may have unknown family members that have not been introduced so far in the series, though he did not confirm this.
Paolini also mentioned that in book 3 it will be revealed if Saphira ever finds a mate.

瓦登=維登(The Varden) 娜蘇艾達=娜紗妲(Nasuada) 鮑里尼=鮑里尼(Paolini) 薩菲拉=思飛(Saphira)

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2007-05-15 6:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
在《長老(Eldest)》的尾段,瓦登(The Vanden)仍在領導方面支持娜蘇艾達(Nasuada),但係鮑里尼曾暗示第三集或會有所改變。
參考: 不肯定關於各角色的官方譯名

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