
2007-05-15 4:16 am
現在經常聽到吃奶有害,但經發酵的奶產品另計,例如芝士和乳酪便是好野黎 ! 最近我又聽聞有些芝士沒經發酵程序,例如"MASCARPONE",究竟沒經發酵的芝士算不算是芝士,如何在標籤分辨到出來?

回答 (2)

2007-05-17 12:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實沒經發酵程序不算是芝士,"MASCARPONE"沒經發酵所以應該不算是芝士,"MASCARPONE"只是奶類產品,又名"triple cream", 可以當牛油用呀
參考: fr exp
2007-05-22 11:05 am
like you said if the cheese have not be maturing, not really cheese.

to answer your Q above, we (chinese) some time don't take cow milk too well, that is the resaon why dairy product is not very good to some chinese. Soya is better for us.

all produce is good for us, if we in take reasonable amount. Some people can't eat fermented food, so everything is depend on ourself.

here is a little fact on cheese making:

Making cheese

Cheese is a fresh or ripened product made from coagulated milk. Cheese can be differentiated both by the type of milk - raw, skimmed or pasteurised, and by animal - cow, goat, sheep, buffalo, horse or camel. For all of them however, there are four major stages in the basic process:
Curdling or coagulation of the milk
Shaping of the curds (de-moulding and draining)
Salting, washing and seeding
Curdling or coagulation of the milk

if you like to know more about Cheese, this is a good website

參考: self and web

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