✔ 最佳答案
You can study the PCLL at the HKU, CityU or Chinese U
But D大型 local firms (eg. Deacons, JSM) 或 "Magic Circle" (eg Richards Bulter, Clifford Chance, Freshfields, Lovells, Allen & Overy), 佢地其實好少收PT 讀 LLB external 學生, 有時甚至一年 in-take 十幾個trainees 之中都冇一個係 part time出身, 特別係 Corprorate Finance Team 除非你真係好多科A. 佢地基本上係講緊要請Oxbridge 或者 Columbia, Harvard, Standford, Yale 留學生, 一係你就 HKU top student or have PRC background. 如果你想因為讀PT 而入行, honest speaking your dad must be a listed co. chairman, 否則就不如死心吧.
基本上呢班PT 學生都會最後揾到工, 但唔係轉咗做會計財務,就係係果D 人工非常奀的中國人law firm, 好多成績好好嘅law友讀完PCLL或做完solicitor trainee or bar pupil 之後都死死地气去讀PG Dip in Accountancy,考HKICPA或大陸CPA 搏入big 4,因為做会計師收入比做law友多好幾倍,而家law graduates比市場實際需要多出十倍,除非你老豆同D corporate finance lawyer 或者D大孖沙 好熟,肯定入到Richard Butlers, Allen & Overy咁就唔同,做細行general practice 好有經驗一个月都未必揾到$7,000-8,000,你一定後悔,徐非你對law好有興趣,唸住做PhD in law, e.g. 與 corporate finance or intellectual property 有関嘅 law 咁又唔同睇法。
Since you are a CPA, I fail to see why u need to change field and in fact it is stupid to do so.
However your LLB is useful for studying a LLM, for example, in International Economic Law at CityU. FYI, CityU is the pioneer in this area of law. (HKU does not offer this kind of program). Each year it attracks over 100 foreign students all over the world including mainland China to study this program.