F4 Chemistry

2007-05-15 1:39 am
Change the following word equation into chemical equation:
chlorine + ammonia --> ammonium chloride + nitrogen
In the reaction, white fume is given off. Suggest what the white fume might have been.

回答 (3)

2007-05-15 2:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
For your question, let me help you in this way.

3CI2(g) + 8NH3(g) --> 6NH4Cl(s) + N2(g)

Actually this is a reversible reaction, but I cant show the reversible arrow for you.

And also, DENSE white fune will be formed, it is due to the formation of NH4Cl(s), but not the nitrogen gas. Remember that nitrogen gas are colourless, right?
2007-05-15 2:04 am
3Cl2 (g) + 8NH3 (g) → 6NH4Cl (s) + N2 (g)

The white fume should be nitrogen gas.
2007-05-15 1:50 am
The white fume is nitrogen gas.
參考: me

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