一封給希特拉的信 最小200字以上 (英文)

2007-05-15 12:39 am
1.what do you want to say to hitler
2.what are your feelings towards hitler
3.Do you agree with Hitler' spolicy towards the Jews
4.What questions do you want to ask Hitler
5.What can we learn from Hitler
6.Should we study Hitler in history lessons
7.If you met a person who acted like Hitler, what would you do
8.Should HK's Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam Kwun follow Hitler?

回答 (2)

2007-05-15 1:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) I want to said:"See you in hell"
2) A great leader never meet
3) Offcause he did the RIGHT thing: to STOP the communism(共產主義) spand to the World!!
5) Speech Technic.
6) He is the HERO, and WWII is a breakthough to develop morden technology.
7) I promise I will KILL him right now! There is only ONE Adolf Hitler.
8) Come on..... which races you want to eliminate? Or You want to stand against communism(共產主義)?
2007-05-15 12:44 am
Hitler,I think you are stupid man,because you kill many Jewlish.All th Earth people hate you.........................................................................................................................

And You Can Say "**** You" or "P*" for Hitler.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 21:29:43
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