
2007-05-15 12:21 am


回答 (5)

2007-05-15 12:26 am
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The Middle Ages time European believed that, the birthday is the soul easily by the devil invasion day, therefore in the birthday same day, the family member friend can the oligomerization side give the blessing, and delivers the cake to bring the lucky pursuit devil. The birthday cake, is at first only has king only then to have the qualifications to have, spreads the present, no matter is the adult or the child, all may when the birthday, buys an attractive cake, enjoys blessing which the numerous people gives.
2007-05-16 2:31 am
The Europeans in the middle ancient times believe , birthday is the easiest to be invaded by the devil day of soul , so on birthday the same day , relative's friend all assemble and gather and offer blessings at one's side, and send cakes and expel devils by bringing the good luck.

Birthday cake is that only the king is qualified to have at first, spread till now, no matter the adult or the children, can all buy a beautiful cake on the birthday , enjoy the blessing that everybody offered.
2007-05-15 7:11 am
In the Middle Ages, the Europeans believed that one's birthday was the date in which one was most vulnerable to be invaded by devils.
Therefore in one's birthday, relatives and friends would gather aside to give him blessings.
And, sending the birthday cake was to bring along good luck in order to drive away the devils.

At first, only kings could have the qualification to own birthday cakes.
But nowadays , no matter who, adults or children , can buy beautiful birthday cakes in their birthdays and enjoy blessings from others.
2007-05-15 1:12 am
Europeans during the Middle Ages believed that a person is most vulnerable to demonic possession on one's birthday. Thus on that day, relatives and friends would gather around the birthday boy/girl and give blessings and cakes. This is believed to bring good luck to the person and banish the demons.

Birthday cakes were originally only owned by the likes of kings. Nowadays, adults and children alike can buy pretty birthday cakes on their birthdays and enjoy the blessings from everyone.
參考: My own knowledge
2007-05-15 1:07 am

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