
2007-05-14 11:56 pm
john,lucy,penny went to Sai Kung Country Park but they are lose............................



回答 (4)

2007-05-15 12:16 am
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(They have been searching for the sign posts for directions, but it seemed that they were not on the track. )
Penny was so hungry and thirsty, unfortunately their food had been eaten up, and the sky was getting darker. "My cell phone cannot receive any signal here!” exclaimed John. "Let's use this - compass", suggested by Lucy, "and I guess I remember the way out is on the East!" Not soon before the moon shines, they went back to the track and used the emergency phone to call the police before they were totally exhausted... What an unforgettable experience! (79 words excluding those in brackets)

又餓又渴, 天又開始黑. 電話收不到信號, 就用指南針吧. 出口應該在東方. 天黑, 筋疲力盡前不久他們回到行山徑, 用緊急電話報警. 多難忘的經歷!

2007-05-21 4:29 am
2007-05-15 4:19 am
John,lucy,penny went to Sai Kung Country Park but they are lose............................John ,lucy and penny 's moble phone cannot receive any signal here...they were afraid and the sky was getting darker.At the same time , "Let's use a compass", suggested by Lucy.Ufortunately a compass was lose.......they can't find the way .Luckily they have food .John use some wood to build a fire.When the sunrise . they can find the way . they went back to the track and used the emergency phone to call the police before .this is an unforgettable experience.
2007-05-15 12:00 am
they finally ask a police for help ~!!!
The police said that hey were so stupid ~!!
At the end, they went home.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 21:15:07
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