Is burning of candle belongs to a chemical change?

2007-05-14 7:23 pm
Is burning of candle belongs to a chemical change? THX~~
知的請回答PLEASE!! (快快快)

回答 (3)

2007-05-14 8:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案

burning of candle is a chemical change
when we burn a candle
the hydrocarbons in it will react with oxygen in the air
to produce carbon dioxide and water in complete reaction
the definition of chemical change is substances chemically joined together
to form new substances
so burning of candle is a chemical change
參考: me*
2007-05-14 8:12 pm
It is a chemical change .
As wax and oxygen changes to carbon dioxide and water .
At the same time , it is also a physical change
as some wax melts and changes from the solid state to liquid state .
2007-05-14 7:33 pm
參考: 最後一分鐘化學

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