
2007-05-14 11:05 am
1.前句:Between jan-feb,
I had been a staff for / in this period of time.

這句文法有否錯誤?用this period of time有問題嗎?應該用in還是for?
in通常用係邊? for通常用係邊? 我經常都分唔到in同for的用法........

2.full stop後面一開始用With做開頭得唔得?
e.g.「With interest in this job after work.」
因為我見過有d英文係full stop後面用with做開頭....不過又覺得怪怪地...係咪特定某些事侯先可以咁用?

3.「工作範圍」譯做work extent有冇問題?

「If lucky that I can be ....」

回答 (2)

2007-05-15 1:11 am
2007-05-14 11:42 am
1. 如果是同一句, 我不建議用如此笨拙的方式組句. 應該改為:
I had been a staff (of xxx company) from Jan to Feb (of 200x).
如果是早前已經提及Jan to Feb 這段時間, 之後不想累贅重複而想用另一方式去表達這段時間, 應該寫成 in the stated / mentioned period of time.
2. 這個是關於 clause 的用法問題. 因為以 preposition 開首的 subordinate clause 的位置通常可以與 main clause 互換. 例如:
It is cold, although the sun is shining = Although the sun is shining, it is cold.
Within two weeks, This project could be completed = This project could be completed within two weeks.
3. 「工作範圍」應該用 working capacity .
4. Lucky 是形容詞 (形容名詞), I can be 中的 be 是 verb 動詞; 形容動詞要用副詞, 所以要將 lucky 改為 luckily. 句中的 that 通常會被省去. 留意用來連結用的 that 通常會被省去, 不省去是小學生的習作寫法. That 的主要用法是用來作代名詞.

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