
2007-05-14 10:56 am
我好擔心我的student visa會fail呀, 請大家比些意見呀...

我在99年中五畢業, 跟住一路做野直到2007年1月, 做的工作全部都係Admin. Assist同receptionist, 而家我在英國找到間學校, 報讀左OCR CERTIFICATE IN ADMINISTRATION LEVEL 3的一年課程... 一切都準備好晒... 住宿我係住在姐姐家, bank statement方面我有我同我媽媽的bank statement + 我姐夫在英的bank statement... 但我聽人講女仔廿幾歲好難拿英國的student visa, 係唔係真架?


我真係好擔心呀, 我聽人講比人reject會好難再入境架喇.. 我真係好擔心呀...

回答 (2)

2007-05-14 1:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
都唔使太擔心丫, 因為佢要你既收生信, 入息証明(你dbank statement 都ok啊~),呢兩樣好重要, 如果擔心就攞埋中五畢業張cert. 去, 又或者係睇下你以前d boss可唔可以寫去証明你做過野, 同埋工作表現...如果份form有邊度唔識寫, 你寧願去到問d工作人員, 好過亂填啊..
唔會有年齡限制攞student visa架..
佢唔會因為你讀certificate課程而唔批, 佢地都係驚批左d人去到做黑市姐..
你要親身去交form, 咁算唔算interview呢?
我唔覺你好大機會會reject, 俾d信心自己啦~

果日你早d去噃, 因為通常要等好耐, 我試過等2個鐘啊..
佢9點開門, 11點就cut架喇...
參考: 我都o係英國讀緊書, 上年暑假先去renew左個student visa..有咩可以再問我~
2007-05-14 11:08 am
hv u got the letter from the college that u've applied?this is kind of key thing..
i think if u provide everythin like the letter, bank statement, accomadation and your flight ticket if u hv, you'll be fine..as u a mature student..i m nt sure if u need to provide another statement that prove you will come bk to hk after ur education such as property statement?or ur hk bank account..or even a car or sumthin..
you will hv a interview..but just a general one..won't be too scary..just asking y r u going to study?how long r u gona stay?hv u got enough money?etcetc..just to make sure that u'll not stay there after education becoz they dun like ppl go there ''pretend'' to study but actually go to get married u know..lol...might b thatz y u heard 女仔廿幾歲好難拿英國的student visa..
dun worry..just bring everythin you need and be calm when u r hving ur interview~^^~
ask me if u got any question la~
參考: i m a uk student~^^~

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