去美國升大學ge 考試

2007-05-14 9:13 am
係咪一定要sat 個成績ga~?
以下係我在間大學ge 收生要求其中一段....

All entering freshman and tranfer students with fewer than 45 quarter hours, or 30 semester hours, of tranfer credit are required to submit official sorces on the SAT or ACT.

我又唔係好知咩 "45..., 30....".....

咁佢就寫左要toefl ge 成績, 但我唔知使唔使要埋sat....

可唔可以講埋sat係考d 咩野, 仲有點報sat...?


回答 (2)

2007-05-24 10:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
usually university are not required for SAT. and toefl are really depends on the university you are willing to go..

SAT will test your science, math and english.. you can apply the SAT online
i am not so sure about the ACT.. but i remenber it's about act.. [i mean language act here..]..

for the "45 quarter hours, or 30 semester hours", is the credit you earn in high school or college. if you were study in high school HK. I am sorry you said you needed to take the SAT or ACT coz HK's education system didn't earn credit for transferring to university. basically, the credit thing is something that you dun have.
參考: i am studying in US right now
2007-05-20 6:18 pm
SAT 同 ACT 係美國大學入學基本要求 除非你入社區大學
SAT 考英文,數學加作文
ACT 要考埋 science so prefer SAT
參考: my US experience

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