wt is the name of the model for the Crystal Geyser??

2007-05-14 8:21 am
wt is the name of the model for the Crystal Geyser??(natural water)

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2007-05-29 8:19 am
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美國於1950年,在加州的蓋沙斯(The Geysers)地熱田建造完成50,000瓩電廠。由於美國之地熱田先天條件優越,1977年開發其他地熱田後,已有520,000瓩之地熱發電量。當年的地熱發電量已超越義大利,而成為世界之冠。迄至1998年之總發電量2,850,000瓩,仍保持世界第一之領先地位。
(91年04月能源報導----地熱田的最大經濟效益 http://www.tier.org. tw/energymonthly/out datecontent.asp?Repo rtIssue=9104&Pag e=21)
美國於1950年,在加州的吉蓋沙斯(The Geysers)地熱田建造完成 50,000瓩電廠,由於美國之地熱田先天條件優越,1977年開發其他地熱田後,已有 520,000之地熱發電量,當年已超越義大利而成為世界之冠,1995年之總發電量為 2,816,700瓩。並計劃至公元2000年,將增加總發電量至3,395,000瓩。
(地熱發電 http://wais.ee.kuas. edu.tw/energyworld/p owerworld/main/chap0 4-topics/1.reports/E A/geo/%E5%9C%B0%E7%8 6%B1%E7%99%BC%E9%9B% BB.htm)
美國The Geysers地熱田對排出的硫化氫,在技術上已有方法減少至最低限度。由The Geysers地熱田的經驗得知,為減少硫化氫排出量,投資改善原有發電設備費用,遠貴於新設計發電設備的費用。關於地熱生產中暫時關井,可能發生地熱流體通路堵塞的情形,目前則尚無良好的防止對策。(http://iss.met.ntou .edu.tw/~met/Energy/ A/9/index.htm)
The largest dry steam field in the world is The Geysers, about 90 miles (145 km) north of San Francisco. The Geysers began in 1960 which has 1360 MW of installed capacity and produces about 1000 MW net. Calpine Corporation now owns 19 of the 21 plants in The Geysers and is currently the United States' largest producer of renewable geothermal energy. The other two plants are owned jointly by the Northern California Power Agency and Santa Clara Electric. Since the activities of one geothermal plant affects those nearby, the consolidation plant ownership at The Geysers has been beneficial because the plants operate cooperatively instead of in their own short-term interest. The Geysers is now recharged by injecting treated sewage effluent from the City of Santa Rosa and the Lake County sewage treatment plant. This sewage effluent used to be dumped into rivers and streams and is now piped to the geothermal field where it replenishes the steam produced for power generation.
(From Wikipedia, Geothermal power http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Geothermal_ power)

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