
2007-05-14 8:19 am
Cross-Harbour Tunnel

回答 (4)

2007-05-15 12:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
You may wonder what is wrong with the name of this tunnel that has been with Hong Kong for the last 34 years. However, have you ever thought about this: what else does a harbour tunnel do if it does not, so to speak, cross the harbour? Shouldn't it simply be Harbour Tunnel?

If we had the more sensible and economical name right from the start, then today we would have harbour tunnel bus routes instead of the longer cross harbour tunnel bus routes at bus stops.

And what do you think of Free Gift? Or Rock Music Concert?
2007-06-08 8:05 am
2007-05-14 8:02 pm
應該加"The" 因你可能正寫該名稱 , 而Cross-Harbour Tunnel 屬專有名詞 (proper noun), 所以前要加上冠詞 (Article)

2007-05-14 8:56 am

Cross-Harbour Tunnel 香港海底隧道,又名紅磡海底隧道,[簡稱紅隧、海隧或舊隧]

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