Which is correct "runny nose" or "running nose"?

2007-05-13 8:20 am
I grew up saying 'runny nose' but if you look on the internet, often times people say 'running nose', which I think doesn't make sense? What do you guys think?

回答 (10)

2007-05-13 10:26 am
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The adjective being runny or running.

If you mean to say that your nose is running around with little legs then say 'running nose' but if you want to say you have the sniffles say 'runny nose'.

Can you see the difference? The people who use 'running nose' for sniffles are incorrect.
參考: Two and a half years studying communication and journalism at university!
2007-05-13 9:08 am
Hi!!!!!!!!! I think it's running nose.
2007-05-13 8:33 am
running nose
2016-03-19 11:40 am
I don't think "run" is used as a verb in this case. I believe it's a noun - "she has a run in her pantyhose". Egad, though, imagine if someone said "her panyhose have the runs." Yikes.
2015-04-29 2:51 am
Both should be correct!
2007-05-13 8:37 am
The adjective of the word "run" in this context would be "running" and hence when we describe a nose, it would be better to say "running nose" than "runny nose". Even medical terminology uses the term "running nose" when it refers to nasal problem. So, it is better to say 'running nose' instead of 'runny nose'.
2007-05-13 8:28 am
Runny is correct.
2007-05-13 8:23 am
runny nose :)
2007-05-13 8:22 am
runny nose just sounds right/better
2007-05-13 8:24 am
I say either, "My nose is running" or, "I have a runny nose". Maybe neither make sense except as idioms.

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