書寫造句與口語句有分別嗎 ?

2007-05-14 3:59 am
我想知道在日常工作學習英語過程中 , 以書寫句子形式與口語句形式次序有分別嗎 ?
有任何公式可跟 ?

盼高手回覆 !! THX~~

回答 (1)

2007-05-16 1:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
in english there is no 書面語 or 口語化, but there is formal and informal english, which is different from 書面語 or 口語化.
informal language would be used during everyday talking with to people whom you are close to eg parents, friends
formal language is usually used in writing (but not all the time) for example in an esseay or a letter you would use formal language.
however formal language is not always used in writing, texts like a feature article or an e-mail to a close friend would be written in informal language.
also informal language is not always used in conversations. for example when you are talking to a respectable person eg a school principle you would use formal language.
an example of a sentance said formally and informally:
informal: Hey can I join you guys?
formal: Hi, may I please join your conversation?
informal is 非正式
formal is 正式
they are different from 書面語 or 口語化, although they are used in simular ways

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