請問 Beautiful Sunday 這首歌是邊個唱架? 以及歌詞

2007-05-14 3:58 am
Beautiful Sunday 係邊個唱架?


thank you

回答 (3)

2007-05-14 4:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Beautiful Sunday ( Daniel Boone )

Sunday morning, up with the lark
I think I'll take a walk in the park
Hey, hey, hey, it's a beautiful day
I've got someone waiting for me
And when I see her I know that she'll say
Hey, hey, hey, what a beautiful day

Hi, hi, hi, beautiful Sunday
This is my, my, my, beautiful day
When you said, said, said, said that you loved me
Oh my, my, my, it's a beautiful day

Birds are singing, you by my side
Lets take a car and go for a ride
Hey, hey, hey, it's a beautiful day
We'll drive on and follow the sun
Making Sunday go on and on
Hey, hey, hey, it's a beautiful day

Hi, hi, hi, beautiful Sunday
This is my, my, my, beautiful day
When you said, said, said, said that you loved me
Oh my, my, my, it's a beautiful day

Hi, hi, hi, beautiful Sunday
This is my, my, my, beautiful day
When you said, said, said, said that you loved me
Oh my, my, my, it's a beautiful day

Hi, hi, hi, beautiful Sunday
This is my, my, my, beautiful day
When you said, said, said, said that you loved me
Oh my, my, my, it's a beautiful day

2007-05-13 20:03:08 補充:
2007-05-14 4:08 am
1972年有一首很Hit的歌曲﹐名叫Beautiful Sunday﹐
當時筆者聽的是葉麗儀的版本。活潑的旋律加上簡單歌詞﹐雖頗重糖衣味道﹐但是卻容易上口。1974年﹐筷子姊妹花其中一位成員“仙杜拉” 作個人發展﹐並於1974年推出一張在香港樂壇上很重要的粵語專輯“啼笑姻緣” ﹐Side B的第一首歌﹐便是由黃霑填上新詞的“好彩又到Sunday”﹐印象中當年某套港產電影也曾使用這個版本作為配樂。不過當時﹐香港人並不太接受仙杜拉這種鬼馬又跳皮式的唱法﹐所以一般人只欣賞她正正經經的一面﹐只會多聽Side A的電視劇插曲。還是要到90年代﹐筆者才在一些美國版的雜錦精選CD﹐找到這首由Daniel Boone自作自唱的Beautiful Sunday﹐不過對於這位英國人﹐多年來只有一首大熱作品﹐也只可算是One Hit Wonder罷了。

Beautiful Sunday
(D. Boone)

Sunday morning, up with the lark
I think I'll take a walk in the park
Hey, hey, hey, it's a beautiful day
I've got someone waiting for me
And when I see her I know that she'll say
Hey, hey, hey, what a beautiful day

Ha, ha, ha, beautiful Sunday
This is my, my, my, beautiful day
When you said, said, said, said that you loved me
Oh my, my, my, it's a beautiful day

Birds are singing, you by my side
Let’s take a car and go for a ride
Hey, hey, hey, it's a beautiful day
We'll drive on and follow the sun
Making Sunday go on and on
Hey, hey, hey, it's a beautiful day
2007-05-14 4:05 am
首歌係Daniel Boone唱

Sunday morning, up with the lark
I think I'll take a walk in the park
Hey, hey, hey, it's a beautiful day
I've got someone waiting for me
And when I see her I know that she'll say
Hey, hey, hey, what a beautiful day

Hi, hi, hi, beautiful Sunday
This is my, my, my, beautiful day
When you said, said, said, said that you loved me
Oh my, my, my, it's a beautiful day

Birds are singing, you by my side
Lets take a car and go for a ride
Hey, hey, hey, it's a beautiful day
We'll drive on and follow the sun
Making Sunday go on and on
Hey, hey, hey, it's a beautiful day

Hi, hi, hi, beautiful Sunday
This is my, my, my, beautiful day
When you said, said, said, said that you loved me
Oh my, my, my, it's a beautiful day

Hi, hi, hi, beautiful Sunday
This is my, my, my, beautiful day
When you said, said, said, said that you loved me
Oh my, my, my, it's a beautiful day

Hi, hi, hi, beautiful Sunday
This is my, my, my, beautiful day
When you said, said, said, said that you loved me
Oh my, my, my, it's a beautiful day

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