Questions to insurance agents & financial planners.

2007-05-14 3:38 am
Hi everybody,

I am a 30 yr old female. I want to buy the following insurance
1. life: insures up to the age of 100, insured amount is HK$2m;
2. critical illness;
3. accident;
4. medical;

Pure insurance, no saving nor investment terms attached to the plan, how much should I pay/month?

Also, if I want to invest in fund from now, expect to realise up to HK$5millions when I am retired at the age of 60. How much & what should I invest now?


回答 (5)

2007-05-16 5:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Question 1:
1. 這是要用一種終生壽險的,$200 萬,保費會貴。我用某一間保險公司的程式計過,就算是 18 歲買 200 萬保額,都要 $1,400.11 一個月。而 30 歲的話,相信 $2,000 一個月都唔奇。

2 / 3 / 4 一般都可以附加上人壽保險到的

純人壽,是有年期的保障,沒有 up to 100 age 的,最多獲繼保至 80 歲左右 (間間都不同,你想問邊一間保險公司?)

若 30 歲買一個 20 年的純人壽,$200 萬的話,每月需要 $268.75
之後到 50 歲時再買一個 15 年的純人壽,每月需要 $595.42 (因為到了 65 歲或以上,就好難再買,只可以繼保都唔定,所以買 15 年)
那時 65 歲再買 20 年的純人壽,每月大概 $2,545.42。

但好處是後生時買平,年紀大買貴。拉返平均,若保到 85 歲時,55 年平均保費,大概是每月 $1,039.57。而且,香港男性平均壽命為 78 歲;女性為 82 歲。

Question 2:
30 年後要有 $500 萬的話:
如果基金是每年 5% 回報的話,每月就需要 $5,982.82
如果基金是每年 9% 回報的話,每月就需要 $2,710.8
如果基金是每年 12% 回報的話,每月就需要 $1,416.47
如果基金是每年 159% 回報的話,每月就需要 $713.29

但 30 年後的 500 萬,用 3% 通帳去計,等於今日的 $2,005,035.343 ($200 萬多 d d)

按經驗,大概預 9~12% 就為 ok,雖然上年有一些基金上升 5x%。今年要好在乎選擇邊 d 地區、行業、區域的基金。這方面可參考以下的網址。
參考: 財富管理論壇(討論區)
2016-06-18 7:10 am
How much cash limit for settling the premium payment for the insurance policy in general?
2007-05-16 7:44 pm



2007-05-14 8:41 pm
to have a life protection up to aged 100, there is no term plan can do so
if you really want a 2m life protection with a lower premiun, you have to buy a whole life insurance with less saving
the premiun (fixed) hk1277.3
and the other protection like medical ,accident or critical illness depend on the protection amount, the standard of ward....
it would be hard to give you a prive unless i can get those information
but for a normal person the premiun must not >10%of his /her income
to get 5m when you are 60,
with 9%return/ per annual then if you invest 2731per month for 30years, you can meet the target
but which method you can do the plan , it depends on the investment knowledge you have, how much time you can do the investment
if you have time and knowledge then you can set up the plan by yourself with different tool (stock, bond, warrent ....etc)
if you do not have time or enough knowledge , it would be better to join some long term investment to do so
if you still have any problem you can contact me by e-mail
2007-05-14 6:59 am
(2)1. life: insures up to the age of 100, insured amount is HK$2m
一般都要有儲蓄成份才保到100 AGE , 你有問題可Email給我

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