
2007-05-14 2:37 am
我岩岩ce 完 其實一路都覺得自己英文唔係太好
我諗如果用舊syl 黎講 可能得d 好既有c掛
但係al 唔可以再係咁 我想有c
靠lee 2年 點樣可以有效咁improve 到??

除左睇多d英文書, tv programme 之後

回答 (5)

2007-05-14 4:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Trust me, if you really want to strengthen your English foundation, the best way is to read as much as you can every day (Reading fiction is the best way to learn English).

Besides, ask yourself this question: Have you ever bought the South China Morning Post for pleasurable reading? If you had, then just continue to read it and learn some new vocabulary items every day. Someone might argue that reading newspaper can't help with polishing up your English skills but, I do believe it's better than reading nothing.

Of course, to improve your English standard depends heavily whether you have determination or not. If you are interested in learning English, it will never be difficult for you to get a satisfactory result in your A-level UE. However, if you are FORCED to learn the language and wish to use some 'quick ways' to master it, you will probably flunk the exam, or at least getting only a passing grade in the exam.
參考: Read to succeed
2007-05-16 11:44 pm
you can find Native speacker to improve your English

Please check "Personals" on www.ESL99.com

find someone to teach you English and be friend
參考: me
2007-05-15 1:37 am
2007-05-14 3:00 am
參考: me
2007-05-14 2:49 am

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