Fill in tne blanks with suitable prepositions

2007-05-14 12:56 am
1. They cycled __________ the village and stopped _________ a stall to get drinks.

2. Kathy strolled __________ the path. Then she stopped _________ the pedestrian crossing. She looked out for traffic defore she walked __________ the road.

回答 (2)

2007-05-14 1:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. They cycled to the village and stopped at a stall to get drinks.

2. Kathy strolled along the path. Then she stopped at the pedestrian crossing. She looked out for traffic before she walked across the road.

*** Hope it helps
2007-05-14 1:18 am
1. into / at

2. along / before / across

2007-05-13 17:19:56 補充:
2. should be : along / in front of /across

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