What is the smallest bird in the world?

2007-05-14 12:35 am
In english please.

回答 (2)

2007-05-14 12:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
  最小的鳥類是蜂鳥, 相信大家一猜便猜到了。 但牠是哪一種呢?
  居住在古巴的吸蜜蜂鳥 (Bee Hummingbird, Mullisuga helenae) 以花蜜為主食, 是世界上最小的鳥類。 吸蜜蜂鳥身長約 5.6 ~ 6.5 公分 (2 又 1/2 吋), 這是包含了嘴及尾羽的長度,通常嘴及尾羽的長度會占去總身長的 1/2, 可見蜂鳥的體型多麼嬌小,這樣的身材, 比鴕鳥的一隻眼睛還小。體型小, 重量自然也輕, 吸蜜蜂鳥的體重約 2.5 克 (一錢等於 3.75 克),所以牠可能比您手上的戒指還要輕, 神奇吧!
  蜂鳥以花蜜及小昆蟲為食, 身長多在 5.6 ~ 12 公分之間,最大型的是巨蜂鳥 (Giant Hummingbird, Patagonia gigas), 居住在南美洲西部山區,身長約 23 公分, 體重也只在 20 公克左右。
  蜂鳥雖小, 但是拍翅的速度是世界最快的, 可以達到每秒 70 次以上,由於拍翅快, 所以會產生如蚊蠅一般嗡嗡的聲音。 拍翅快、 翅膀的構造與一般鳥類也不同,因此牠能在空中懸飛, 不但可以左右飛, 也可以向後倒退, 如此吸起花蜜來就更加方便了。
  蜂鳥保持的記錄:今世最小、 最輕、 翅膀拍得最快、 蛋最小的鳥。

Hummingbirds are tiny birds that can fly forwards and also hover in mid-air. They are called hummingbirds because when they fly, their wings often make a humming sound. Their tiny wings beat about 55 to 75 times each second! The average life span of a hummingbird is 3 years. Many hummingbirds migrate to find food during the cold winter. Hummingbirds are native to the Americas.
Most hummingbird's feet and legs are so small that they cannot walk or even hop; hummingbirds mostly use their legs and feet for perching (but the toes and claws are very long, and are used for perching). Hummingbirds are almost helpless on the ground.

Diet: Hummingbirds sip sweet nectar from flowers and eat some tiny bugs. They use their long tongue to lap up nectar.

Nest and Eggs: Hummingbirds make their tiny nests from lichens, spider webs, and plant down (fluffy seed coverings).
2007-05-14 12:38 am
The bee hummingbird

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