
2007-05-13 11:49 pm
我係住host family,每天上課由早上9點至1時便放學
放左學唔知可以去邊,地址係:74 roupell street london

不過我2號就完左個課重會去Brighton 搵朋友!

回答 (1)

2007-05-14 11:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are quiet a lot of attractions for tourism in London, not sure what your interests are, here are some suggestions,

Buckingham Palace,
St Paul's Cathedral,
Westminster Abbey,
Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament,
The London Eye,
The River Thames and the Royal Parks,
Trafalgar Square,
Piccadilly Circus,
The Horse Guards,
The Changing of the Guard,
Tower Bridge,
The Tower of London and the Crown Jewels.

The weather in London is getting warmer, it has been raining in the last few days. However, it won't get dark until 6-7 o'clock in the evening. I think you still have lots of time to look around.

If you are interested in Arts & Museums, I suggest you can go to the National Gallery & British Museum. There are also lots of plays in the evening, you will find further information online at the following website.


British Museum
National Gallery
National Portrait Gallery
West End Shows:
Mamma Mia !, Lion King, Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserable

Also, if you like a bit of shopping, you must go to the famous Oxford Circus. There are few department stores next to Marble Ache, such as Selfridges, Marks & Spencer, Debenham & John Lewis.

Hope you will enjoy your time in London.
參考: I live in London

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