請簡介板前壽司的經營策略及SWOT, 有甚麼可借鏡之處? (40分)

2007-05-13 10:53 pm
請簡介板前壽司的經營策略及SWOT, 有甚麼可借鏡之處?(40分)

回答 (5)

2007-05-17 11:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Usually I don't do much SWOT, because it is merely a starting point of a business analysis and does not have a problem-solving side of it (in fact my MBA does not even teach this). I will however give this a try and a first look since it is asked by a professional.
And here it is:
Superb supply chain – Key competitive advantage in sushi and sashimi is freshness. The ability to secure decent quality (not top) raw fish and premium beef in quantities ensures that the company can continue to have a premium over other roundabout sushi

Innovative Menu – certain combination (sushi) is great in that the bundling actually works to enhance profit and turnover of stock. Premium beef sushi is both a gimmick and tasty.

Low cost staff – As in all roundabout sushi staff requirements are young and relatively inexperienced, which can be trained and hired with a very low staff cost vs. traditional sushi restaurants

Established Brand – It is now an established “premium roundabout sushi” vs. Genki and other loose chain, which can be further leveraged.

Slim Gross Margin – Usual problem with sushi chains in that the pricing is rather tight, although it is still far better than normal roundabout sushi chains for now.
Tight Capacity - people have to wait very long to get in, which is a rather serious flaw and loses the ability to capture more profit and goodwill for potential customers.
Freshness – as mentioned by others the method of presenting sushi on a roundabout setting is that the raw fish will be dried after prolong exposure.


Future expansion – the ability to expand with more stores could enhance profit further.

Product Line extension – now the brand is famous it can maybe extend to other Japanese products such as noodles stores, Tempura etc.


Low Entry Barrier – other than the brand and its supply chain, everything can be and will be replicated rather quickly. It is already ongoing with Mi-ne and sushi one.
Premium Location – as the store become successful the pressure on landlord to raise rents and cut into the margin is almost certain.
Thin Margin and reliance on turnover – currently they are fine but with higher operating cost and more price competition going forward, the business will need to be enhanced.
SWOTs are good pitches for management consultants but by themselves they are just more or less presenting the business case.
Hope it helps.
參考: Almost a BCG consultant
2007-10-17 8:37 am
very prefect job~^^
2007-05-21 9:14 am
if it is in chinese, it will be better.
though, u really did a great job in answering the question!
2007-05-21 9:02 am
Thats a good SWOT Report
2007-05-13 11:56 pm
平均每人消費 HK$150 種類 : 晚餐

I am very disappointed that the services are too bad. I was choosing the food of the menu with my friend, suddenly, the running water is thrown the water to me. It was so crazy. I shouted, but no body heard or pretended deaf. I told the waitress that was made. She cleaned the menu and gave some issues to me only, but not said something apology. That was so worst working manner. Sometimes, the waitress took away an empty disk and crashed my arm. Finally, after the bill and took away the receipt book, also crashed my arm again. That was too bad services!

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