(Runescape)Buying Wizard hat (g)

2007-05-13 10:33 pm
I use rune pl8 legs and pl8 body(90k)+70k
to buy one Wizard hat (g)!
player name:unknow324

回答 (4)

2007-05-14 2:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
player name:man234189
參考: 我
2007-05-21 4:42 am
Wizard hat (g)都冇咁貴既...好平姐...
2007-05-19 12:38 am
my account is 1029384912.,And i am a member.

i have more than 45 wizard hat(g) and (t) in my bank.. if you want one, i will give you one.....but you must add me in your freind list............because i ahve no...friends....

i will give you if you be my friend.

send email to [email protected] and write your account's user

2007-05-18 16:39:30 補充:
2007-05-14 6:18 am
I don't think a wizard hat (g) cost that much. I think it only cost around 150k! Try to go to world 1, 3, or 5, go behide the bank, there you will see people saying selling wiz thing (g) or (t) then ask something there to buy a wiz hat (g).

2007-05-17 04:26:17 補充:
Sorry I made a mistake: the last sentance is someone not something...
參考: me, runescape.com, runehq.com

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