我想學下外語 但係有幾種我都想學 所以想問下意見

2007-05-13 8:52 pm
我本來想學日文既 ( 易學 我都叫做識一兩句 而且學左睇動漫都唔識靠字幕 )
但係諗落日文好多人都識 對出黎搵工冇咩幫助
雖然知道有好多人問過 但係有唔同既答案

我仲好後生 ( 可以話係小妹妹 )

回答 (3)

2007-05-15 1:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
I like German - no, I LOVE German! It's true that there are many grammatical rules in German but once you started learning German, you'll become a lot more aware and interested in English grammar. The two languages are related and were once similar to Latin. German belongs to a group called 'Indo-European languages' - the same group as Greek and Iranian (that's another story)
Anyways, I found German to be useful and fun to learn. There are many words that are similar to English and are usually just 2 single words put together, so the meaning makes sense. It's a logical language. It's useful for me because I work in the Science field that sometimes requires me to read in German. So German is useful for me when I start looking for a job in science. It depends on what job you are interested in the future.
Which is easier? There's no answer to that but personally I found German a lot easier than French coz I can't pronounce words in French properly (too nasal for me). I never liked Japanese because EVERYONE when I went to school learnt Japanese so that wasn't unique (besides the economy of Japan is on a down hill..) Asian languages are maybe not as useful as European languages (apart from Chinese).
For fun you can try Russian - I can only remember one word from it! It's very hard..
Good luck!
參考: Me - just my views
2007-05-14 9:20 am
我學過法文.. 1 年倒... 但法文需要好多時間lor.. 到而家我都未可以同到人溝通... 可以講d 簡單句子.. 睇下文章都可以零零丁丁學識一d 字咁.. 聽就更加難, 佢d listening exercise 次次都要replay, 先勉強聽到一d... 寫就反而好d, 可以跟返書 =v= 但書未教過o既野就唔識寫lu..
但法文有好多野都幾似英文o既.. 有d 字同英文個樣一模一樣tim..
grammar 都幾多.. 例如每樣物件都有分男女.. 例如, 月亮係女, 就要配個女o既the = la.. 太陽係男, 要配個男o既the = le... 眾數o既the 係les.. tense 都幾多架... 仲要每個pronoun 唔同轉法..
唔算好難.. 但都一定難過日.. 應該都難過韓.. 易過德文... 德文勁多grammar rule 架應該.. 連我個德國penpal 都話唔鐘意德文.. =v=
參考: 親身經驗 & penpal..
2007-05-13 8:55 pm
本來想學日文既 ( 易學 我都叫做識一兩句 而且學左睇動漫都唔識靠字幕 )
但係諗落日文好多人都識 對出黎搵工冇咩幫助
雖然知道有好多人問過 但係有唔同既答案

我仲好後生 ( 可以話係小妹妹 )

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