
2007-05-13 8:45 pm

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2007-05-13 8:54 pm
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Yahoo!的兩位創始人大衛·費羅(David Filo) 和楊致遠(Jerry Yang),美國史丹福大學電機工程系的博士生,於1994年4月建立了自己的網路指南信息庫,將其作為記錄他們個人對網際網路的興趣的一種方式。但是不久,他們就發現他們自己編寫的列表變得很長,不便於處理。於是他們開始在Yahoo!身上花費越來越多的時間。



1995年初,Netscape Communications 公司(位於加州Mountain View)的聯合創始人之一Marc Andreessen邀請大衛·費羅和楊致遠將他們的文件轉移到Netscape公司提供的更大的計算機上。這一做法不僅使史丹福大學的計算機網路恢復了正常,而且令雙方都有所受益 。

今天,Yahoo!含有鏈接到網際網路上的成千上萬台計算機中存儲的信息。San Jose Mercury新聞最近指出:「其實Yahoo!的貢獻最近乎於Linnaeus的工作,Linnaeus是一位18世紀的植物學家,他所創建的分類系統有效地劃分了整個自然界。」

2007-05-13 12:55:21 補充:
yahoo1. (英國作家Swift小說中的)人面獸2. 粗鄙之人;鄉下人;野蠻人
2007-05-13 8:57 pm
Yahoo! started out as "Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web", a web site featuring a directory of other sites, organized in a hierarchy (rather than a searchable index of pages). It was renamed "Yahoo!" shortly thereafter. "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle" is a backronym for this name, but Filo and Yang insist they selected the name because they liked the word's general definition, as in Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift: "rude, unsophisticated, uncouth." As the backronymed version of the name implies, it was not the first directory of its kind, but it was the first to become widely popular as "the" directory of the fledgling Web. Yahoo! itself first resided on Yang's student workstation, "Akebono," while the software was lodged on Filo's computer, "Konishiki";, both named after legendary sumo wrestlers. The "yet another" phrasing goes back at least to the Unix utility yacc, whose name is an acronym for "yet another compiler compiler".

The two developers of Yahoo, David Filo and Jerry Yang, Ph.D. candidates in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, started their guide in April 1994 as a way to keep track of their personal interests on the Internet. Before long they found that their home-brewed lists were becoming too long and unwieldy. Gradually they began to spend more and more time on Yahoo.

The name Yahoo is supposed to stand for "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle" but Filo and Yang insist they selected the name because they considered themselves yahoos.

During 1994 they converted Yahoo into a customized database designed to serve the needs of the thousands of users that began to use the service through the closely bound Internet community. They developed customized software to help them efficiently locate, identify and edit material stored on the Internet.

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