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這樣的問題,太高深了,若UFO在水下活動,可能解釋UFO在大氣壓力下的飛行原理,引用上世紀中,1995 年和 1999 年的阿布扎比國際防務展覽會上,俄羅斯相繼展出了“暴風雪”魚雷的示意圖和照片,據說航速高達 200 節。這是一種超出常識的超高速魚雷,利用的就是“空化”現象,它是世界上出現的第一種超級空化武器。 什麼是超級空化武器呢?這還得從“空化”現象談起。“空化”( cavitation )現象,也稱“空穴”現象。當物體在水中高速運動時,在固體和液體的交界面上,壓力會大大降低,有時甚至會產生接近真空的負壓,此時,即使是常溫下,局部的水也會沸騰,形成低壓的微小氣泡(在 0 . 02 個大氣壓下, 20 ℃ 的水就會沸騰)。在周圍水壓的作用下,這些氣泡急劇崩潰,並伴生強大的衝擊波。這便是‘空化‘現象。船舶設計師們發現,空化和水深有密切關係,水越深,越難以產生空化現象。潛艇的潛航深度和螺旋槳的轉速如調解得當,則螺旋槳背面生成的空化氣泡便非常小,在水壓的作用下很快潰滅,危害度減小。如果利用噴嘴在適當位置向空泡部位注入空氣或燃氣的裝備,將魚雷嘴頭的氣泡吹大,包圍著魚雷。使梭流罩前的負氣壓將變為正壓氣,形成一個較大型的筒狀空洞。這種現象就叫做“超級空化”現象。當年的“暴風雪”魚雷就是利用火箭發動機在魚雷頭部生成大量的氣泡空穴,使得魚雷完全被空穴包圍,水的阻力大大減小,從而達到極高的航速。也就是說,雷體不和水直接接觸,自然水的阻力也就微乎其微。魚雷高速航行的障礙就這樣巧妙地被化解了。
俄羅斯的高速魚雷是直線前進,若轉彎是可以用有線導向和伸出刀片狀的定風翼導航,效果還是機密,若UFO不是採用“空化”( cavitation );而是傳說中高速自轉,本身的駕駛艙就一定要裝上反方向高速自轉器平衡,否則外星人也會頭暈暈,若在太空船邊緣裝上注入空氣或燃氣的裝備,將負壓將變為正壓,形成一個較大型的筒狀空洞,像包圍俄羅斯高速魚雷,效果有待証實。
These issues have much, if UFO in underwater activities might explain UFO at atmospheric pressure of flying, quoted century, in 1995 and 1999, the Abu Dhabi International Defense Exhibition, Russia has displayed a "dzud" torpedo the maps and photographs allegedly speed as high as 200. This is beyond the knowledge of a super-high-speed torpedoes, is the use of "air", It is the world's first super space-based weapons. What is a super space-based weapons? This has to be from the "air" about the phenomenon. "Air" (cavitation), also referred to as the "hole" phenomenon. When objects at high speed in the water movement in the solid and liquid junction surface, the pressure will be greatly reduced. sometimes even have close to the vacuum suction, this time, even at room temperature, partial boiling water will, The formation of micro-bubble low pressure (0.02 atm, 20 ° C water will be boiling). The pressure surrounding the role, the dramatic collapse of these bubbles and associated strong shock wave. This is the 'cavitation' phenomenon. Ship designers found that the air and water are closely related to deeper water, the more difficult to produce cavitation phenomenon. The submarine submerged propeller depth and the speed conciliation properly, the back of propeller generated air bubbles would be very small, in the role under pressure soon collapse, the danger decreases. If the use of appropriate nozzle position in the cavity to inject air or parts of the gas equipment, the mouth of the first torpedo bubble blowing, surround the torpedoes. Shuttle flow enclosures so that the former will be turned into a negative-pressure gas pressure, forming a large-Tube-shaped hollow. This phenomenon is called "super-cavitation" phenomenon. Of the "Buran" torpedo rocket engine is used in the generation of large amounts of torpedo head of the bubble hole, made torpedo hole was completely surrounded and water resistance greatly reduced, so as to achieve high speed. In other words, not mine-and the direct contact with water, natural water of minimal resistance. Torpedo high-speed catamarans on the obstacles are so cleverly defused. Russia's high-speed torpedoes is straight forward, if it could be done in turning oriented cable stretched out razor blades and the fixed-wing wind navigation, effects or confidential, if the university instead of "empty" (cavitation); but the legendary high-speed rotation, the cockpit itself must be installed on the opposite direction on high-speed rotation on balance, Otherwise aliens will first engage, if installed on the spacecraft at risk injecting air or gas equipment, will be turned into vacuum pressure, formation of a large-scale tube-like hollow, surrounded by Russia, as high-speed torpedoes, the effect is yet to be confirmed.